Online Electronic Web Checks
In today's competitive business climate, businesses of all types are searching for ways to increase sales. One way to do this is to expand the customers' payment options beyond credit cards. As any businessperson will tell you, next to cash, checks are the most frequently used payment method. It's no wonder that payment by electronic check is the fastest growing payment method today.
E-commerce is booming - and this is just the beginning! Most online businesses offer credit card payment options, but many are finding that their inability to accept checks is preventing them from reaching a large segment of the population.
Many Americans prefer to write checks rather than using credit cards. EFC's Online Electronic Web Check (OEC) program allows online merchants to easily accept and process Online Electronic Web Check transactions directly from their existing web site!
The customer simply chooses "Pay by Electronic Check", enters the requested bank and account information, and EFC does the rest. The interface can be designed to look like a traditional paper check, so that customers will easily identify the information they are required to enter.
The information is then encrypted, and sent to EFC's servers. It's stored in a secure location, which is not accessible to the internet, and processed at the end of the day. Funds are electronically withdrawn from the customer's account, and credited to the merchant's.
There are many benefits to accepting electronic checks online:
- It's easy - customers will see a form that looks just like their paper checks.
- It's fast - Most transactions can be settled within 48 hours. This is much faster than with paper checks.
- It can be easily integrated with other EFC services, such as the automatic redepositing of NSF checks.
So, take the next step and find out all about our Online Electronic Web Check program.
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* Click Here for an Online Demonstration
You simply redirect the output of your final order form to the check processing program on our server. After processing is completed, all of the data will be redirected back to your current order processing system.
Our order processing system will work with any standard HTML form, using either the POST or the GET method. It doesn't matter whether your web server is running on Windows NT or UNIX. Our processing system will work with both.
Each day, EFC will process all of your new transactions.
There are many benefits to accepting electronic checks online:
- Merchant Code - this will be assigned to you by EFC (always 4 characters). This is the only field that we require a pre-defined name for - the field name must be "eftmerchantcode".
- Customer Name - the customer's full name (up to 22 characters)
- Customer Address - the customer's street address (no maximum length)
- Customer City - the customer's city/town of residence (no maximum length)
- Customer State - the customer's state of residence (always 2 characters)
- Customer Zip - the customer's zip code (no maximum length)
- Customer Phone - the customer's phone number (no maximum length)
- Customer email - the customer's email address (no maximum length)
- Bank Name - the bank the customer's checks are drawn on (no maximum length)
- Routing Number - the ABA routing number off the customer's checks (up to 9 characters)
- Account Number - the account number off the customer's checks (up to 17 characters)
- Check Number - the check number of the check the customer is using (no maximum length)
- Driver's License number - the customer's driver's license # (no maximum length)
- Driver's License state - the customer's driver's license state (always 2 characters)
- Redirect to (success)- where to send the customer's browser after our processing, if their transaction succeeds. This is normally the URL of your existing order processing system. (no maximum length)
- Redirect to type (success)- this field is either "HTML" or "CGI", depending on whether the information in the "Redirect to (success)" field is an HTML page or a CGI script (ASP pages are treated as CGI scripts)
- Redirect to (failure) - where to send the customer's browser after our processing, if their transaction fails.
- Redirect to type (failure) - this field is either "HTML" or "CGI", depending on whether the information in the "Redirect to (failure)" field is an HTML page or a CGI script (ASP pages are treated as CGI scripts)
- CGI Method - if your "Redirect to type" is CGI, then this field indicates whether your CGI program is expecting a "GET" or a "POST".
Optional fields:
- Unique Identifier - a field that will uniquely identify this transaction (up to 30 characters)
- Statement ID - the transaction number that will appear on the customer's bank statement (up to 15 characters)
The fields may be named whatever you want them to be (so you do not have to modify your existing code). During the merchant set-up process, we will map your field names to ours, so that the information flows into the correct places.
Also during the merchant set-up process, we can:
- Customize the "Press the 'PROCEED' button to continue" page so that it conforms to the design of the rest of the merchants site.
- Configure the merchant's entry in our database so that a confirmation email from EFC can be sent to the customer. This is optional, since normally the merchant is already sending their own confirmation email, and may not want the customer to get two confirmation emails (one from the merchant and one from us).
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